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Purchased this game 2 weeks ago, does it update automatically or do I have to download new files? if so, where?

If you have the itch app it supposedly updates automatically. If you don't then you have to come back to the pages and download the new update.

(I just released a new update btw)


I know you have traffic light updates on the way, but it would make a lot of sense to have the default as all segments red when you place it. all green is identical to no traffic light, defeating the point of them, and I spend most of my time clicking all the segments to red before working on a timing pattern. Loving the game though :) 


Done and done :)

You can now copy traffic lights also, and you can cycle the pattern clockwise and anti-clockwise.

(1 edit)

For this early stage and low price of 2$: good game! Can recommend for traffic junkies like me :D

There are some bugs/oddities though:

  1. The last level "GIGA" just doesn't work for me: Some cars from top left (I think red) just drive straight down to bottom left flag, ignoring other roads. They block other cars and then it's impossible to succeed.
  2. Cars can get stuck for weird reasons, like 2 cars joining on a crossing from 2 different directions. They can bump into each other and drive side by side - on one lane! I couldn't even avoid this with traffic lights.
  3. No save feature! Yes, the hiscore is saved, but not your actual road network.
  4. The traffic lights seem easy to use at first, but once you have like 6 lights and want to adjust them all a tiny bit, it's a lot of clicks to do that.
  5. Placing lane arrows has some restrictions that are not intuitive. I'd like to have 2 arrows behind each other, but that's not allowed. Switching lanes is still a mystery to me (but it does work if you do it right).
  6. Bi-directional arrows work only when straight ahead is selected first. You can't first select "left" and then "straight ahead".
  7. Sometimes a car (or rather the starting arrow) shows a red "X" to say that it can't find the route  - but then you hover over it and finds a route.

Looking forward to returning to this game once there is more content!

Edit: Formatting.

Thank you :)

1. Yes unfortunately there are some differences with how the game runes on different systems so what works on one PC may not work on another. That said, Giga is way too hard so I've temporarily retired it in the latest update until I improve car AI.

2. Yeah I know that's frustrating. I will be spending time on improving the car AI so hopefully this doesn't happen as much.

3. Added in the recent update!

4. I've made improvents to this in the recent update. You can copy traffic light patterns and you can also cycle the pattern clockwise or anti-clockwise.

5. I am currently working on a better tutorial as I need to do a better job of teaching the player. Lane changing in particular lots of people find unintuitive so I'll put extra effort into that. Regarding signs, I want to keep the proximity restriction in place. Having too many signs close to eachother is extremely difficult to understand when you have larger road layouts and ends up just being messy.

6. Added in the recent update! You can add whatever arrowhead you want to any prexisting sign.

7. This one is a bit of a compromise. Finding a path for the car is currently quite laggy so I have it setup that it only check when you hover over the lane or press the start button. (I'll be improving this with future updates).

sounds good! I'll definitely check out the game every now and then to see what changed.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'd love to see Give Way/Stop signs with associated traffic priority rules, and also left turn and right turn light signals. ohh and while I'm wishing for things... slip lanes, lane change options

Oh and lastly... how do I select which monitor to play on? It plays on my secondary monitor which is in portrait mode :(

OK.. monitor was easy, I had forgotten the hotkey!

But... how do we retry a level without clearing all the markings and light settings?

When you complete/fail a level there's an exit button, a retry button in the middle and a next level button.

you want to hit the retry button in the middle.

I was thinking about how stop/give way could be implemented, and had the idea that you could draw a solid, or dotted line across the edge of a square and it would then become either stop or giveway.

My issue with give way lines is that it would be a little overpowered in the context of the game.

It's worth testing give way signs. They wouldn't work on some levels, like the round about (where you would normally have give way signs) because there's just too many cars. But on other road layouts where you have created several slip roads and the traffic isn't too high it could work. Makes sense instead of the car just driving out. But it would change the game, so should be tested first

This is a really nice game!

I only have one Problem so far: Two cars turning into the same lane. 

If that happens, they get stuck, even if there is no traffic in front of them and therefore it ends so many attempts of certain levels. Maybe a yield sign or an internal Priority Queue might help with that.

But again: This is Great!


Great game! When is the next update ? Thank You!

Can join discord more stuff

(1 edit)

where i can find discord link ? TY!

update : i found it, TY!

Is it similar to freeways by Justin smith?


Yes, but more difficult IMO and only intersections (without viaducts). And added street light.

thank you!


Running this game on a Dell Precision 3550 laptop strangely makes the game autoscroll to the bottom right corner. I can use the middle mouse button to move around but it'll still move it back to the bottom right corner. The laptop has a touch screen so I don't know if that is somehow causing a conflict.


Is this available for Mac? If not does anybody know how to run a Windows exe on Mac?

The program you are looking for is called Wine:

It doesn’t work with all software though, and requires some advanced knowledge to get working sometimes.

(1 edit) (+1)

Few ideas (maybe some repeated):

  1. Numbers on signal circle (simplicity choice)
  2. Copying whole scheduler (for example drag-drop with right key)
  3. One-click to opposite change
  4. Small preview for all
  5. Phase simulator (without traffic, 1-tick = 1 sec -> faster than normal)
  6. Other arrow for join lines
  7. Save after escape
  8. Track for car from start to end after mouse enter on car icon.
  9. Different traffic load for each track (f.ex. some bar under car icon with prediction of cars numbers in time unit).

But generally it bring much fun :) Waiting for right-side traffic. Keep working! :)

Hi, great game, but can i play it in window? I would appreciate it there was some visuals for traffic light phases, like some small rings. I lose so much time on checking what i set in more complex levels.

To improve the traffic light timings you could add a sensor at the back of the queue to automate the timings.

I don't quite understand, could you go into more detail please?


I'm just replying so he doesn't. He means that he wants stuff so the traffic lights turn on when it's near the traffic light, Just like how some traffic lights work in real life.


Ah I see, thanks for clarifying. 

I feel like that would make things significantly too easy so it's unlikely that I'd be adding this. Sorry Mikey!


Great game! Is a leaderboard planned?


Yes! Should come along with the Steam Early Access release later this month. (Everyone who has purchased on itch gets the steam version free also)


AMAZING game! I'm addicted.  Can't wait for the next update!


Traffic lights are frustrating. Each one has to be set individually, and it's hard to see at a glance which ones are in sync.  So...

What if there was a panel where you could set all possible light phases for the map. (i.e. multiple red/green circles).   You give each phase a number.  Then you set individual lights on the map by giving them the corresponding number.

That way you set each phase once and can quickly copy it, or change multiple lights at once.  And if the number is shown for each light on the map, you can see at a glance which ones are in sync.

Just a random idea...


Thanks for the kind words :)

The upcoming update will have a few improvements to traffic lights to make them less tedious. Mainly the ability to copy lights similar to what you suggested and also being able to click+drag on the traffic light wheel,

I'm having a think about a "master traffic controller" sort of feature but it obviously requires a bit of thought to do properly. So it may or may not end up in the game depending on how much I feel it is needed/how difficult it is to design.


What might be easy (honestly no idea but here I go anyways) while improving QoL significantly would be to add a toggle button to show/hide all traffic light cycles at once so things are easier to see at a glance. Might need some new layout though since they could overlap with each other how it is now. (so maybe not so easy after all)


Can you add sandbox mode?


It's planned, should be in the game in around ~2 months ;)



i can't seem to get all the cars to mov right on the first level, the first one fails, or the second one fails, and idk why ):


if you post a screenshot here or on the discord I'll be happy to help


i figured out that i needed to get the car to the right flag


Do you have a discord server? If not it'd be great to have for building a community for the game. mad props on the game so far, proud of you <3



Thanks a load :)

Can't pay with paypal.
Failed to create PayPal payment (401)


Sorry, can't help with the payment providers as I obviously have no control over them (I can confirm that other people are buying with paypal with no issue however). Perhaps try Stripe?


still waiting on the Mac release


Update is taking my longer than expected due to a load of admin work :(

New ETA is Wednesday if not sooner. I'm very sorry for the delay Peter, please forgive me.

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I appreciate the response, and am glad the necessary time and steps are being taken to a full and working Mac version. I, Peter griffin family guy, forgive you. will be sure to get the Mac version when available! also, will it just be another link on the main page or will I have to check somewhere else?

It'll be right next to the windows download on this page ;)

Hey Peter, if your willing to test a mac release could you please join the discord and send me a dm please.

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Hi, just so you know: the address from the readme file points to, which throws an error because the certificate is only valid for * You shoulkd put the address without the "www.".


Thanks for the heads up :)


awesome game


Thanks a load!

(1 edit) (+1)

two questions;

Will there be a possibility to pay with Paysafecard? 

Will GridRoad be available on Steam? 


Steam release should be within a month.

Regarding payment options, itch handles everything, so if your method of payment won't work with stripe or paypal I can't really do anything for you (very sorry).


Does anyone know if there is going to be a mobile version. It seems like a perfect game for it.


I'd like to eventually, but am prioritising pc/mac/linux release first. A very rough timeline:

  1. Itch early access release (we're here)
  2. Steam early access release
  3. Steam full release
  4. iOS release
  5. Android release

Each step is reliant on the sufficient success of the step before it.


Im glad its in the planes, hope everything  goes well and thanks for replying.


Crashes are really annoying and it doesn't save your maps so you can't go back to them :( 


I'll try to fix the bug asap and will also add a level save system in the next update. Sorry!

(1 edit)

This is causing the problem.

Fixed in the upcoming update :)

Hi, will it be possible to pay with IDEAL?


Unfortunately I am limited to itch's payment providers (stripe and paypal. Sorry


Also, it might good for the game to save all of the levels I had made which results in a pass, or at least the one which game me my highest score. I'd like to go back to older levels and improve my score but I'm likely not going to remember all of my designs


Does it have a save feature? Would be nice to save my level half way through so I can exit the game if need be

Will be in the next update.


Had another crash on Giga. Annoying. Took me over an hour to sort all these lanes. Was gonna test it before adding traffic lights knowing it might crash


Sorry about that I know it's frustrating. I'll try to fix it asap.


It would be nice if you could pause the simulation and see which light tick it is on


Should be in the next update ;)


Thank you!

I NEED more maps and the ability to change multiple lights at once, instead of one by one. I'm addicted to this game, best 2 dollar purchase I've ever made!

Thank you! More maps are coming very soon. I haven't added a way to change multiple lights yet but in the new update there are lots of improvements that should make modifying traffic lights a lot quicker.

Long-term I'll try to think of a good way to edit multiple lights at once.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you so much for replying so quickly,  I'm genuinely super excited to see what's in store for future versions of this game.

If it weren't for Real Civil Engineer on YouTube, then I might have never known this game existed, but so glad I've found you, cause this game is very satisficing to play.  ;3

Hi, Wanted to know when the mac version will be out?

A mac version will come along side the new update that I'm trying my hardest to get out this week.

Thank you !!

Came from RCE videos. This game looks great! Unfortunately don’t have a windows pc atm so can’t play yet, but have bought the game to help support you and the development of it! Looking forward to see what you do!

Same here

Will there be a level building mode where you can build a level and let others play it?

Yes but that will come closer to full release. Approximtely 3 months from now.

Game has crashed on me twice. Both times when starting the simulation but on different levels

If you could post a screenshot of the road layouts that caused the crash that would be very helpful

Yes, I took a photo so I could recreate it although not had a chance yet

Thank you I'll try to get that fixed asap.


also please add regular european/american car movement - not only that british nonsense

I am going to hold a poll on whether or not to do this. Lots of people have told me they don't mind the level layouts being based on driving on the left. But there of course must be people like yourself who do mind.

The only reason I'm hesitant to make left-hand-drive and right-hand-drive variants of every level is that it would result in two separate leaderboards for each level. I can imagine it would be quite annoying opening up a learderboard to see what score your friend got on a level only to see they have a score for a different level.

Deleted 1 year ago

Yeah that's what I meant :P but I still think it's not ideal. Say I play squareaboutLEFT and i pop open the leaderboard and see my mate Hans only has a score for squareaboutRIGHT.

Or an American is playing the game and all of a sudden gets the urge to see how he measures up to RCE's scores, only to realise RCE's scores won't be comparable to their own American scores.

(In case it isn't obvious, it's near impossible to get left-hand and right-hand level variants to behave the same way and give the same scores)

It's not possible to add a preference that just mirrors the display left-to-right on the UI layer without actually modifying the representation on the application layer?


buggy, crashes, doesn't worth 2 USD


when will it be free? my mom wont give me money

Great game. Liking it so far. A global leaderboard to future updates would be appreciated

Leaderboards will come with the steam release in around a month (if you have the game on itch you will get the steam release for free also)

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when Mac

Peter griffin, family guy

Great game! On Giga, when you create roads like bellow it crush.

Pic 1 - so not even tried :( 

Pic 2 - 2nd layout was working. Beated

Thanks for the report I’ll get it fixed

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